Design Approach

The process we propose is an interactive one, we work with the client, the user groups and the stakeholders to create.

A project that satisfies the goals and objectives outlined in the RFP or project scope definition


Schematic Design Phase

After approval of the Conceptual Design by the client, the project moves into the Schematic Design which will elaborate upon the concept and begin to design plans and elevations consistent with that concept. Typically, we propose that the client organize end-user groups (depending on the size of the client and key stakeholders) and that we establish a weekly or biweekly meeting schedule where these user groups are met individually. We have found that his creates an investment mentality in the end user and establishes the framework for conducive, constructive dialog where the best design emerges.

At the conclusion of that series of meetings, we recommend holding a ‘core team’ meeting. This core team is a group of persons, preferably 4-6, that are empowered as decision makers and arbiters of conflicting request or directions. At that core team meeting they are updated as to the progress of design, the end user group meetings and outstanding issues. We will provide a cost estimate at the end of this phase.


Design Development

Once the Schematic Design is approved by the client, Design Development begins. We propose continuing the end user and core team meetings. The primary purpose of design development is to defined and describe all-important aspects of the project.

Designs are refined and begin the coordination process. With the end user continuously engaged the continuity of the concept will have advocates who will hold the design accountable. We will provide a cost estimate and a quality control review at the end of the phase.


Construction Documents

As the final phase of the design phase begins, after approval of the design development by the client, we propose a less frequent meeting schedule with the end users and core team. This phase is focused on documenting and detailing all the decisions that have been previously made, coordinating disciplines and establishing a completed biddable set of documents. Some end-user and core team meetings will be required as update meetings. We have found that his continues the spirit of cooperation that has been fostered throughout the process and is an outward expression of the respect that the design professional has for this team approach of design and problem solving. We will provide a quality control review and final cost estimate prior to bidding.


Bidding and Negotiation

The PR•TY team will provide a complete set of drawings and specification in order to obtain accurate and competitive bid proposals from the contractors. We will work with the client to review all bids and assist in awarding and preparing contracts for construction.


Construction Phase Services

We view construction phase as an important part of the process and we take our job seriously in representing our clients interests during construction. We will be on campus on a regular basis for construction meetings and reviews and we will be available for RFI’s throughout construction schedule. We will review the project to ensure the project is being built as designed and specified in the drawings.