Services We Offer
PR-TY works in many capacities to serve our clients needs. We adapt ourselves to provide the most appropriate service that will result in value to to the design problem or project being undertaken. Our experience runs the gamut from one-off buildings for an individual private client to standing-offer arrangements with public agencies who have the need for a ‘standing offer’ arrangement whereby we provide services on a regular basis for a variety of buildings that are owned or managed by them. Below we outline the many services that we are often called upon to provide. The list is by no means complete or exhaustive. Please contact us with your particular needs we will let you know if we can accommodate you and if not we will refer you to someone who will.
expand_more Traditional Services
We provide what is often referred to as traditional services which includes building design, contract documentation and assistance with the tender process. Our primary activity is in the design of buildings in terms of function, form and regulatory compliance. We will prepare designs and after they are reviewed and approved by you we will ensure that they satisfy the regulatory authorities. When PR-TY acts as a team leader we assist in the selection as well as co-ordinate a team of specialist consultants such as landscape architects, engineers, quantity surveyors, interior designers and many other specialists needed for the project at hand. We will then prepare construction documents in order to obtain competitive bids or assist you during tender or help you in selecting a contractual arrangement with a builder that suits your particular needs. After your building project has been designed and tendered we will work with the building contractor and administer the project to ensure that it is delivered in accordance with the contract documents and and satisfies the regulatory authorities.
expand_more Interior Design and Building Fit-up
We have developed spacial expertise in furniture layouts for large Government organizations. We can assist our clients with day to day layouts necessitated by every day changes or complete re-organizations as well as moves to new premises.
expand_more Facility and CAD Management Services
PR-TY has been increasingly called on to provide services that go beyond those traditional provided by most Architects. As of late we have been very involved in assisting large public organizations with not only preparing furniture layouts and fit-up drawings but also assist them by advising them on how to streamline their internal management processes. We are called upon to assist the client with their entire building portfolio and this can include management and regular updating of their CAD and building information files. This type of service is oftentimes referred to as ‘Facility Management’. We have been acting in this capacity for several years and the contractual arrangement is either through a standing offer arrangement or may be involved in us providing full-time staff on their premises to asset them with their needs.
expand_more Leasing Services
We also provide leasing services for either buildings we have designed or other buildings owned by the client. This usually involves measuring of individual areas to the Building Owners and managers Association (BOMA) standards or in the case of more complex buildings advising the building owner the optimum way to subdivide the building to achieve maximum rent.
expand_more Program Development
A good program is the first step to delivering a successful project. We will assist you in formulating the program for your project. We have signifiant experience in programming for new buildings as well as existing buildings which anticipate a large move or re-distribution of personnel.
expand_more Planning Feasibility and Zoning Analysis
We will analyze the zoning requirements for a specific property.
We will advise you if your project requires special planning or other regulatory permissions and produce the relevant information for making an application to the local municipality. We may also assist you by providing services in connection with planning appeals and finding the best specialist consultants or legal advice that suites the particulars of your situation.
expand_more Measurement Survey & Drawings
Oftentimes we have to work with existing buildings for which no plans are available or the plans that do exist are not up to date. We will measure existing buildings for the purpose of assisting us to make design proposals for alterations or additions.
expand_more Building Condition Survey
PR-TY will inspect and establish the condition of a property and prepare a report. We will advise you on whether or not you may require specialist consultants in areas such as structural, mechanical, electrical asbestos abatement or other environmental specialists.
expand_more Sustainability Advice and Design
PR-TY can advise you how to optimize orientation, microclimate, building fabric, lifecycle costing, energy and water consumption and ensure compliance with Building Regulations. Additionally, if you require options for future proofing your building against future costs, or creating a zero carbon building the implications can be established by a specific studies at an early stage.
expand_more Conservation and Preservation
If the building you own is ‘historic’, a ‘Protected Structure’ or in an ‘Architectural Conservation Area’ you will need the advice of an architect with skills in conservation and preservation. Even if your building is not listed as a historic property it can still be worthy of conservation and you will want to make sure that its character is not damaged in the process of any alterations or extensions you plan to carry out.
expand_more Project Magagement
PR-TY is well experienced to act as the project-manager coordinating the other inputs to deliver a project successfully. This may take various forms from managing a traditional building project to assisting a client with co-ordinating a move from one facility to another.
expand_more Master-Planning
PR-TY has significant experience in assisting clients with not only determining their immediate needs but also will master plan your project to make sure it satisfies any anticipated future growth.
expand_more Dispute Resolution Services
PR-TY with it’s wide experience is well respected and able to offer dispute resolution services such as mediation and conciliation.